Thursday, January 5, 2012

Third trimester! The home stretch....

Well hello again!
           It's been forever since I've done a blog, but let me share my excuses before you assume I'm a complete slacker. First things first, my computer gave me the blue screen of death and started sounding this horrific beep that almost caused me to miscarry. So my computer was out for the count. Second, my husband left for 2 weeks to Florida with his computer. While in Florida HIS computer gave him the blue screen of death and now we have two computers we use as coasters. And trying to write a blog on my little cell phone screen just isn't gonna cut it. So here I am at my dads house today and I thought, "Hey!!! They have a working computer!" And voilà, I can now fill you in on all you've missed. :) You're so welcome.

Where to begin? In my last blog I mentioned heading to California for my first baby shower. That was on Dec.10th and it was so much fun. I got to see all my California family and some highschool buddies. When we're together it's as if we're still in Highschool....picking up where we left off. I LOVE THAT! Everyone read the memo about me not being able to haul a bunch of gifts back on the plane with me, so we got cash and gift cards. Enough to buy all Jack's room furniture. AWESOME!

So 2 days ago, Daddy bear painted Jack's room. Since we're going with the most compicated baby colors ever (red, black, white and gray) I decided 2 different kinds of gray would be perfect for his walls. So we went with an almost white gray and an elephant gray. After purchasing the colors I was afraid it might have a prison feel, but once I saw it all done, it is PERFECT! It looks like a baby Jack room. I'm so excited. This weekend my dad is coming over with all his fancy tools to show my husband how to put the crib and dresser together. (Cuz let's be real, Danny isnt the handiest of men around the house) The man can decorate, but assemble? Not so much.

One huge topic of discussion has been my decoration choice for the nursery. A few people think it's absolutely innapropriate. Now, if you know me, I'm not a Gap girl, I'm more of a forever 21, smooshed with Nordy's and maybe some small touches of Hot topic. I have flare that maybe the average person wouldnt sport on a day to day basis. That being said, and the fact that I'm the nesting mother, Jack's room is going to have flare. He will never be a baby blue boy with a jungle theme, or trains or airplanes. At least, not until he has an opinion. So for now, his room is going to have accents of crossbones and skulls. YES, I know it's the symbol of DEATH. But it's also the symbol for "DANGER" which is going to be Jack's middle name. So we thought it was a clever touch. Plus, skulls and crossbones are on lots of things these days because it's in style. It's more of a rockstar/tough guy theme than a cemetary. And FYI, there are TONS of skull and crossbones baby stuff at target and Babies R Us, so I'm not the only genius on the planet. Other people have great taste too, apparently. :)

28 weeks came faster than I expected. In the beginning it feels so far away, but now all I can think is, "In less than 12 weeks my baby will be watching Modern family in between us". CRAZY! And I swear the second I hit the 3rd trimester, I started falling apart. I have thee worst pain under my right rib cage. It's so  bad I end up crying at the end of my long work days. I've talked to the dr, I've googled this, I've asked friends if they've dealt with this and the only answer I get is, "Oh, it's just round ligament pain. It's very common, but it's worse for some women so we can reffer you to a physical theropist if you need it." No, I need this pain to GO AWAY! Honest to God it feels like my muscle is tearing and it burns and almost feels numb when I touch the skin on the outside. No it's not Jack's feet. He's very low and I feel all his movements below my belly button. It could be round ligament pain, but why have they not come up with a solution for this yet? I've read many blogs about other women struggling with this exact same pain so at least I'm not crazy. I've had a great pregnancy and now that I'm finally nearing the end and complaining of pain, people just tell me, "Oh you're just pregnant, it's no big deal." DONT TELL ME I'LL BE OK WHEN YOU DONT HAVE THE SLIGHTEST CLUE WHAT THIS MUSCLE TEARING FEELS LIKE! And try holding a blowdryer and a round brush behind a guest when your muscle is tearing and then tell me I'll be fine. Ahhh, that feels better. Not my ribs, but the venting. I pray this pain is temporary....for everyone's sake. :)

I'm pretty sure I've covered everything you've missed the last 2 months. I'm so excited to meet my baby boy! He's kickin all the time and I love it. Even during the night when I roll over. I dont even care that it keeps me up. He's a constant reminder that God is good and God still creates miracles every single day. Have a great rest of the week friends!


  1. You know you need to do standup! When you do, I am there!

  2. Congrats! I am currently pg with my 2nd but I remember the third tri flying by way faster than the first two! You'll be there soon enough! :)

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