Tuesday, November 29, 2011

23 weeks and getting no love.

I'm 5 days away from being 6 months pregnant. 6 MONTHS PREGNANT! I've gained 17lbs. My tailbone feels like my son hammers it on a daily basis. My hip joints are shifting so much that it's impossible to get a comfortable nights sleep. I have wonderful bouts of heartburn that come on at the most random times. And I have to let out the air in my lungs so I can bend over to put my shoes on. Those are all very legit pregnancy symptoms, but do people ask if I'm pregnant??? NO! Yesterday I went into a gas station to buy my usual craving...a carbonated beverage, and the lady behind the counter said, "Oh, how far along are you?". I said, "you are the first brave soul to ask me that!" And she says, "Well, I only asked because you were touching your belly with such love." SERIOUSLY!? The giant growth in front of me wasn't a dead give away? I mean...Yeah, I was a little overweight before I got pregnant, but not big enough not to notice a 17lb protruding growth out my midsection. Puh-leeese! I know soon enough I'll be saying, "I AM SO FAT AND NO ONE WILL LEAVE MY STOMACH ALONE!" But until that day, I'm ready for some recognition!
Since I'm ranting, let's talk about what I refuse to skimp on at the grocery store. (Pre-pregnancy and especially now) My Husband and I are trying to cut corners to save as much cash as possible. So we went grocery shopping the other day and bought some off-brand stuff, which quickly reminded me why I never skimp on certain brands. Let me share my must have's:
-Skippy Creamy peanut butter. (off brand peanut butter taste like stale oil and now we have a gallon of the nasty stuff I will never eat. Bought some Skippy yesterday.)
-Charmin Extra soft double rolls (my husband buys tp at the dollar store and I swear 1 trip to the bathroom equals 1 roll of that cheap stuff for a pregnant chick. Doesnt end up saving us anything!)
-Kraft Mac and cheese (Not the off stuff. BUT, WARNING: it expires. I made some expired mac and cheese last week. It tastes like cardboard box)
-Philly Cream cheese- (The other stuff is WEIRD! Why did Starbucks take the good stuff away and replace it with that rubbery goo?)
-Cheetos brand anything (preferably flamin' hot with lime)- "cheese puffs" are so disgusting!
-Cheez It's- Cheese Nips dont cut it.
-Diet Pepsi- None of this Diet Cola crap!!
-Hunts Ketchup- Fancy tomato topping is NOT GOOD!
I'm not apposed to buying off brands at all. There are just some things I just cant sacrifice to save 50 cents.

On to exciting news: In 2 weeks I will be heading to California for my first baby shower! I'm so excited to see my family and great friends who I've stayed in touch with through the years. And Jack is really excited to get some cool stuff. Hopefully I will look like a frickin pregnant person at my shower. This is so depressing. haha


  1. I agree to all those things on your not-to-skimp grocery list. But I have to say all my money usual goes to REAL butter, ice cream, yoghurt, ice cream, soymilk, eggs & ice cream... :)

  2. Since I didn't know you had a blog, I should have assumed knowing how funny you are!

    I have not seen you other than fb, so i cant tell you how pregnant you look! oh wait, here it comes... YOU LOOK SO PREGNANT! OH MY GOSH, HOW FAR ALONG ARE YOU?! (This is when I obviously rush my hands toward your belly and start waxing on and off like Danielson. This is awkward to begin with, not to mention especially awkward when a stranger does this; what if you weren't preggers? Oops.

    Do you think Jack will like all of the things you eat with him in there when he gets out? I always wonder that. My mother ate peanut butter, pickle, and mayo, sandwiches and I do like all three but never attempted together. It sounds wrong. The other day I tried Mac N Cheese- The Cheesiest, and put 2 tablespoons of skippy in and mixed it all together and WOW! It was delicious! You gotta give it a whirl! That is a Sarah Matthews concoction, btw. She gets bored in Montana.

    Maybe someday I will completely understand all that you say here today, but I dont think that day is anytime soon... till next time!

    Love, Diane
