Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My baby boy!

                                              I'm a mom!

       Baby Jack came into the world on 3/23/12 by C-section, weighing 7lbs and he was 21 1/4 inches long. It was theeee best day of our lives! It's been 2 months since I've blogged, and now that Jack is 5 weeks old and sleeping at the moment, I figured I'd catch you up on a day in the life of Tasha while my hands are free to type. :)

My C-section: It was stress free walking into the hospital with a scheduled C-section. It was scheduled because our little guy was breech. We walked in so excited, and being that I never went into labor, I was in great spirits. They hooked me up to monitors, started my IV and the journey began. I got to have my best friend Kristin and my husband in the operating room with me, which was so awesome! She took that pic at the top of my blog with her stellar photographer skills, so if you need her for your special day, let me know and I'll send her out to you. :) The spinal was the worst part. My husband and Kristin weren't allowed in there until after they shoved the needle in my spine, so I was terrified. But luckily my sweet nurse Shirley held my hand and told me I could use any language I needed to while they juiced me up. 3 days later we were on our way home with Mr. Jack Danger Jamison. I've recovered well. I listened to the Dr. and really tried not to lift heavy things the first few weeks. And thanks to my husband and amazing friends, I didn't injure myself.

Body changes:
Lets be real here...it was traumatizing watching my body grow to the size it did, and getting out of the shower with that God awful mirror in front of me was not pleasant. BUT, getting out of the shower AFTER Sir Jack had been taken out is even worse! This baby flap I have has GOT to go! I have friends who just had babies and they look like they just finished a 3 year bootcamp. Why God, why!? I'm the lucky one who still looks 6 months pregnant after 5 weeks. I knew it would take a while for things to go back to normal, but I'm over maternity pants and trying to suck in my gut and nothing happens. My husband is smart by telling me I'm beautiful and reminds me I just had a baby in there, but it's still horrific.

Post partum depression: All my friends and dr. have asked me how my emotions are and I've said I'm doing good. But as time goes on, my emotions are all over the place! It truly is a minute by minute basis. I'm so emotional. It's annoying, even to me. I can't watch a movie without balling, I can't look my husband in the eyes without tearing up, even before entering the sanctuary at church, the worship music makes me cry, the second I start to sing Jack to sleep I'm crying. I'm just over the top. THIS IS SOMETHING I DIDN'T EXPECT! The nights he doesn't allow me to sleep are the worst. I would sleep for a living if I could, so 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night makes me want to run to the hills and leave everyone back at home. Luckily those nights aren't constant. It could be way worse! One things for sure, this baby is constant reminder of God's miracles and even in my sleepless nights and tears from feeling like a horrible/clueless mom, I am blessed to have him.

Baby Jack has changed our lives for the better, and even though it's sooooo hard to take care of an infant 24/7, I would never sell him on Craig's list like I threaten to. haha He's mine and I'm his and that's just the way it's gonna be!

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