Sunday, November 4, 2012

Opps, I did it again.

I'm pregnant again!!!!

Here I sit, while my sweet 7 month old son takes a nap, and I'm slapped in the face with the realization that in a few short months, my baby will turn into 2 babies: in diapers, who cannot communiate through language, who will both be waking during the night, and will both still need my undivided attention all at the same time. I found out Sunday evening, Oct 14th, after 3 negative pregnancy tests earlier that month, that yes, infact I AM with child and my crazy symptoms were LEGIT! I'm 11 weeks 5 days along. 

First noticable symptom: I was exhasuted and started taking naps with Jack. I never take naps because I'm grumpier when I wake up, so that was red flag.
Second symptom: I got a bloody nose. I had never had one in my entire life until I was pregnant with Jack, so when I got one I thought, hmmm, maybe this is the new normal for me now or......?
Third Sympton: Dry heeving randomly. I dont usually gag for no reason, so one morning before work I totally dry heeved in the kitchen and the heck did I have 3 negative pregnancy tests? If I'm not pregnant, what the heck is wrong with me?
Fourth symptom: Hearing loss. So weird. It switches from ear to ear at different times and just feels like I have a cotton swab stuck in there or something. Not normal.

I called the dr to make my first apt and couldnt get in for a while because they were so booked up. So if my calculations are correct, I will be 13 weeks when I go in for my first ultrasound on Nov.12th. and it will be the start of my 2nd trimester. I can't wait to see this little nugget. I just pray there's only one in there. Lord help me.

And let's not forget that I gained 50lbs with my son and only lost 25lbs of it. So that would mean I am 25lbs heavier and PREGNANT AGAIN. This means I can only gain 5lbs this pregnancy to avoid feeling like a gross ogre. Riiiiight. (already gained the 5) haha
Even though this is terrifying, my husband and I are so thankful for our family and the opportunity to be parents. Plus we make frickin cute kids! Why not do this again?

1 comment:

  1. My next younger sibling is 17 months younger than me and his next young sibling is 11 months younger than him. Together, we were all best friends in our childhood. Yes, you'll work hard, but you'll laugh harder and have a totally fun stack of memories, like your mom and I do, to look back on. (Barbara Capps)
