Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My first pregnancy

Today is the day. I'm actually doing it. I'm writing my first blog. My friends would probably say I'm one of those people who say things others hold inside. Or at least write things others wouldn't dare to. But that's what makes me Tasha. I'm not afraid to speak my mind "in font", so this blog thing is going to be a blast!

So I'm 14 weeks pregnant and I feel like an alien has taken over my body. I have weird things changing that are not so sexy. I mean, for one, Babycenter.com says I might be looking like a Victoria Secret Model in the upper region of my body these days. Wouldn't that be nice? Sure, I look different, but Victoria and model are not the 2 first words you'd think of if you saw this. Don't get me wrong, I've wanted to be a mother since I got my first cabbage patch kid at 4 years old. I know all these weird changes will be well worth it, but in the mean time I will allow myself to freak out. My stomach is at that weird stage where I just look fat instead of pregnant. And every week it's sticking out more and more, so I look like those girls that you pass by at a club and lean into your girlfriend and say, "Look at that broad...you think she could have worn clothes her size?". Just this morning I was frying some eggs, and I leaned up to grab the salt in the cupboard above me, and burned my belly on the skillet. My depth perception is all off now. How was I suppose to know I was sticking out 2 inches farther than normal? And I hear it only gets worse.

On a positive note, I feel great. I only had minor "all day" sickness the first couple of weeks and now I feel like an extremely bloated, normal chick. I've gotten to see my baby moving around in ultrasounds. That has been the coolest thing ever. It's amazing that your body completely takes over. I'm creating this little human and all I have to do is sit back and watch. There is absolutely no way to look at an ultrasound, see that little creation growing inside of you, and not know we have a God of the Universe, who has every single little detail covered. I'm so thankful for that, and the opportunity to carry His creation and call it my own. In the midst of my complaining, I am truly grateful.


  1. Sounds like you've got a great perspective on this experience!

    As for the belly sticking out further than you realized...I just have to chuckle. I knew mine was bad when my 2-year-old hugged me around the legs and I couldn't see her! Also, when I turned and knocked one of my kids over with my belly. True stories.

    I'm sure I'll enjoy reading your thoughts on your new adventure!

  2. ohhhh yasha, i love this! hooray for babies!
