I'm pregnant again!!!!
Here I sit, while my sweet 7 month old son takes a nap, and I'm slapped in the face with the realization that in a few short months, my baby will turn into 2 babies: in diapers, who cannot communiate through language, who will both be waking during the night, and will both still need my undivided attention all at the same time. I found out Sunday evening, Oct 14th, after 3 negative pregnancy tests earlier that month, that yes, infact I AM with child and my crazy symptoms were LEGIT! I'm 11 weeks 5 days along.
First noticable symptom: I was exhasuted and started taking naps with Jack. I never take naps because I'm grumpier when I wake up, so that was red flag.
Second symptom: I got a bloody nose. I had never had one in my entire life until I was pregnant with Jack, so when I got one I thought, hmmm, maybe this is the new normal for me now or......?
Third Sympton: Dry heeving randomly. I dont usually gag for no reason, so one morning before work I totally dry heeved in the kitchen and thought....how the heck did I have 3 negative pregnancy tests? If I'm not pregnant, what the heck is wrong with me?
Fourth symptom: Hearing loss. So weird. It switches from ear to ear at different times and just feels like I have a cotton swab stuck in there or something. Not normal.
I called the dr to make my first apt and couldnt get in for a while because they were so booked up. So if my calculations are correct, I will be 13 weeks when I go in for my first ultrasound on Nov.12th. and it will be the start of my 2nd trimester. I can't wait to see this little nugget. I just pray there's only one in there. Lord help me.
And let's not forget that I gained 50lbs with my son and only lost 25lbs of it. So that would mean I am 25lbs heavier and PREGNANT AGAIN. This means I can only gain 5lbs this pregnancy to avoid feeling like a gross ogre. Riiiiight. (already gained the 5) haha
Even though this is terrifying, my husband and I are so thankful for our family and the opportunity to be parents. Plus we make frickin cute kids! Why not do this again?